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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Reflection 2

This will probably be the longest post I will ever share..
First, I thank all of you, my family, friends,colleagues for the birthday wishes..i had someone sing Happy Birthday at midnight :)
Now that I'm 40, and yes still HOT AF, and no I'm not OLD...i feel the urge to give you my view on life.. and it's up to you to take it or leave it..
Life won't be always kind to you..life will give you good days where you will feel on top of your game..but life as we all know it..will fuck you over and over and over till you won't have the force to breathe and look for the easy way out.
I've been there..many time and with each lesson learned, the blows get tougher and harder...I reached rock bottom..there were days where i was enable to get out of bed, i couldn't catch a breath, i was just sick and tired of all of it..and the harder I pushed back..the more resistance i found in everything..i just couldn't get that one break that will get me back to who I'am.
It's hard to be out of balance...everything spirals around you and you feel as if you are in the middle of a tsunami...but guess what...that Tsunami will reach his end point and you will get out of it ..maybe not the same as you were before..but you will make it.
Take it from me, as I'm a bit wiser with my 40 years now :P 
Don't fight it...don't waste your energy..chose your battles and chose the ones you are willing to battle for...not everyone is worth your kindness and love..not everyone deserves your loyalty.
Set boundaries..and be selfish..be selfish and know who you really are and what you really need and deserve, never ever settle for less than you deserve, never compromise and never take shit from anyone.
I have learned the hard way...because i believed in the good nature of people " Just forget it" because it came back to bite me in my ass.
Take the time to nurture yourself, love yourself before offering your love to others, know yourself, your desires, your fears, your pains, Just take the time to be with yourself and speak to it like a little child...we all have been conditioned to follow like sheeps...and never learned how to take care of our own selves...
Cherish those who are there for you in your darkest hours, those one are the true gems in your life...and never look back and regret the past...those who are out of your life are out for your own good..
and always remember that your own happiness lies in your own hands..no one can make you happy except for yourself.
Hardships and tribulations can either make you stronger or break you into pieces..it's up to you if you want to crawl in a hole and stay there or rise like a phoenix from the ashes...stronger, wiser and hungrier... and most importantly be grateful.
I'm gonna shut up now.
Have a wonderful day and God Bless You All.
Love you.

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